
Spasticity is a condition that affects many children with cerebral palsy, along with other neurological conditions that can impair muscle control, such as brain injury or spinal cord injury. It is characterized by increased muscle tone and stiffness, which can impair movement and cause pain, discomfort and reduced quality of life. It occurs due to damage to the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information between the brain to the spinal cord. The main goal of treatment is to reduce the spasticity and improve function, comfort and ease of care depending on a child’s functional level. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of spasticity and may include physical therapy, bracing, medications and surgery. 

Most neurological conditions can’t be cured, but treatment will often improve a child’s capabilities. In general, the earlier treatment begins, the better chance children have of overcoming impairments or learning new ways to accomplish the tasks that challenge them. There is no standard therapy that works for every child. Our team will work with a child and their parents to identify specific impairments and needs and then develop an appropriate plan to tackle the core issues and goals for the family and child.